The P-NET Fieldbus
Welcome to the official P-NET Fieldbus homepage.
P-NET is a data communication standard, used for industrial automation and
process control applications.
P-NET is part of the International Fieldbus Standard – IEC 61158 Type 4.

Features & advantages of P-NET
- All nodes are adapted to the same profile
- All nodes can communicate immediately on the network
- Very few communication parameters, compared with other fieldbus systems
- Any P-NET module, including a master, can be powered down or connected to or disconnected from the bus, without interfering with the rest of the bus system
- No DIP switches for setting of node addresses etc.
- The P-NET standard consists of data formats for simple as well as complex data types
- Scaled values are transmitted in SI units on the bus
- Conclusion: Very simple installation and commissioning
About the International P-NET User Organization
The International P-NET User Organization, founded by the pioneers in the P-NET Fieldbus area, is a forum for all P-NET users and producers, institutes, and other people interested in the P-NET Fieldbus.
The objects of the organization are:
- to disseminate global information and knowledge of the P-NET standard and its application.
- to contribute to the determination of technical specifications concerning future development of the P-NET standard.
- to participate in fieldbus standardization on international level
(IEC – International Electrotechnical Commision)
The official language in the International P-NET User Organization is English.
All publications use English as the principal language.
Companies, institutions and individuals can become members of the Organization.
Members are defined as being manufacturers, end-users or institutions.